FC Diez Media Promotes Endeavor Impact in South America

FC Diez Media Promotes Endeavor Impact in South America

In Buenos Aires, #Argentina FC Diez Media held a Media day on November 30th, spending the day with kids from the club Aliados de Güemes, nurturing their passion for football with a photo session and interviews along with a match. The activity was focused on children from underserved neighborhoods in vulnerable situations. In São Paulo, #Brazil, the mission of the agency was to visit the União de Núcleos, Associações de Residentes de Heliópolis e Região (UNAS) in CCA Heliópolis on December 1st. This was the second time that FC Diez Media collaborated with UNAS, and the team literally took to the pitch with children aged 8 to 17 on the futsal court, sharing knowledge, challenges and benefits of working in football alongside the game itself. On December 2nd in Asunción, #Paraguay, FC Diez Media collaborated with the Comunidad de Bañado Sur in recreational and sporting and cultural activities. Furthermore, in all three countries, the agency made a donation of training elements for each child and for communal use in the teams, plus healthy snacks. 

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